Starwood Equine believes in the use of both traditional and integrative medical approaches, and feels there is a place for both western and eastern medicine in our equine patients. The following article is intended to introduce you to the use of acupuncture in the horse, and explain the science behind this therapeutic modality. What can acupuncture be used for?
How do acupuncture needles relieve pain?
Is acupuncture safe?
How does it feel?
What does the acupuncture treatment entail?
How soon can we expect results?
1/24/2023 03:40:56 am
I was surfing through the internet for a while just to get in-depth information about the topic you wrote about and it really helped me to know more about how acupuncture can help horses too apart from human body. It was something new for me to learn about. Keep sharing such blogs further as well. And kindly let me know how can I subscribe to the Newsletter. Thanks.
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May 2021