Starwood Equine places a strong emphasis on preventive care for all equine patients. Routine vaccinations, health monitoring, parasite control, and dentistry are some of the most important aspects of maintaining horse health. We keep our patients functioning at their top level and living long, happy, and comfortable lives.
DentistryRoutine dental floating is a critical element in maintaining a healthy horse. Removing sharp points from a horse’s teeth ensures that they can chew correctly and alleviates oral ulceration. Sharp points and hooks can create painful areas which will cause a horse to resist the bit or begin to head toss. An oral examination can be performed to evaluate the need for dental floating in your horse. Starwood Equine is proud to offer cordless PowerFloats for stall-side dentistry wherever your horse is located.
GastroscopyGastroscopy involves visualization of the inside of the horse’s upper gastrointestinal tract to diagnose equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS). A study shows that gastric ulcers have been found in 2 out of 3 horses in work/competition. The procedure involves using a 3.5-meter flexible video endoscope which allows direct examination of the stomach lining. Our system offers full screen, real-time imaging, and provides for storage of full videos and pictures.
Upper Respiratory Tract (URT) EndoscopyPerformance horses can develop a host of upper respiratory problems that can cause exercise intolerance, abnormal respiratory sounds, and poor performance. Endoscopy of the upper respiratory tract (URT) is one of the minimally invasive techniques used for diagnosis and treatment of diseases in horses.
Farrier ConSulTATIons
Farrier ConsultationsStarwood Equine believes that collaborative partnerships between equine veterinarians and farriers are a vital component to healthier hooves and horses. A Farrier Consultation is an invaluable procedure, not only as an aid in recovery but also as a preventive measure.
In a consultation, a Starwood Equine veterinarian will work closely with your farrier to establish a customized shoeing plan for your equine athlete. |
Insurance Exams
Insurance ExamsEquine insurance companies may require an insurance examination certificate signed by a veterinarian before a policy activation. Remember, this is a legal document, and we cannot only complete the requested information based on prior knowledge of the horse. A current examination is required.
Nutrition Consultations
Nutrition ConsultationProviding balanced nutrition is necessary for your horse to maintain health and performance levels. A variety of diseases and metabolic disorders have specific nutritional requirements that must be addressed to properly treat.
Hay, Pasture, and Grain AnalysisIn some cases, laboratory analysis of feedstuffs is crucial for treating diseases and preventing symptomatic episodes from occurring.
Parasite Control
Parasite ControlWe strongly advocate the use of fecal-egg-count-based deworming. Strategic deworming reduces the development of parasite resistance and administration of unnecessary medication. Once starting a fecal-egg-count-based program, we typically collect fecal samples twice yearly during vaccine visits.
VaccinationThere are five "core vaccines" recommended for all horses over the age of 6 months. These vaccines protect against diseases which are readily transmissible to any horse, regardless of their environment or whether they travel. Core vaccines are:Additional risk-based vaccines include Flu/Rhino, Strangles, and Lepto. All horses showing USEF and FEI require Influenza vaccination.